Institute of Nursing Excellence and Innovation

The Institute of Nursing Excellence and Innovation at NewYork-Presbyterian develops and supports programs integral to the advancement of nursing practice across the enterprise. Through the initiatives of the Institute, professional nursing practice is defined, supported, and knowledge regarding nursing practice and related issues is disseminated across the enterprise. The Institute of Nursing Excellence and Innovation supports the delivery of nursing care under the leadership of the Senior Vice President, Chief Nurse Executive, and Chief Quality Officer; Vice President of Nursing Operations; and the Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer at each campus.

The Institute of Nursing Excellence and Innovation oversees and supports centralized functions including Nursing Excellence/Magnet Recognition, Nursing Professional Development and Continuing Education, Nursing Quality and Patient Safety, Nursing Research and Innovation, Professional Nursing Practice, School Affiliations, Nursing Operations, Nursing Finance, and Nursing Informatics.


Magnet® Recognition

Excellence in Nursing

A culture of respect and appreciation is at the heart of Nursing’s commitment to improving the work environment. It is through our nurses’ commitment to transforming patient care that we can exceed the expectations of patients, colleagues, and communities.

NewYork-Presbyterian has several Magnet®-designated campuses and is on the journey of excellence to achieve this distinguished recognition at all of our hospitals. Our nursing practice embraces these foundations of the recognition program:

  • transformational leadership
  • structural empowerment
  • exemplary professional practice
  • new knowledge
  • innovation and improvements
  • empirical outcomes


Nursing Professional Development

Taking our Nurses to the Next Level

Nursing Professional Development supports nursing practice excellence. Lifelong learning lays the foundation for growth, transformation, and the advancement of nursing practice that is impactful and enduring.

We offer programs that facilitate continuous learning and acquisition of new knowledge, enhance clinical competence, and promote professional growth. Each orientee new to the organization receives a precepted orientation and an individualized plan to meet the learning needs specific to their experience and area of practice. A robust blended learning strategy and clinical competency-based orientation program ensure that all clinical staff experience a smooth transition into their roles at NewYork-Presbyterian. Ongoing unit-based professional development programs support continued learning and development.

Through our expanding continuing education opportunities, nurses may pursue their quest for lifelong learning. Nursing certification courses in multiple specialties are offered to support advancing practice at the bedside. Seminars and workshops in such topics as evidence-based practice and research, publishing, cultural competency, advanced practice nurse topics, medical-surgical, pediatrics, critical care, oncology, and neuroscience nursing symposiums provide expanded educational opportunities.

Nursing Quality & Safety

Creating a Culture of Safety & Zero-Harm

NewYork-Presbyterian is committed to a culture of safety and zero-harm for patients and staff. Our nurses contribute to quality and safety across all care settings through the coordination and provision of patient care according to established standards of care.

Our nurses know that excellence in care delivery is not an end-point, but a never-ending journey that relies on staff diligence and commitment to continuous improvement. This is accomplished through nurses’ use of outcomes data to identify system and process issues, staff review of the evidence, and generating ideas on how to improve, implementing process change, measuring the effectiveness of those changes, and shared learning.

NewYork-Presbyterian nurses have the autonomy to lead and develop performance improvement (PI) initiatives and projects in their units. Resources and mentoring are provided to assist nurses in project work – from the review of the literature for evidence-based practice information to identification of the appropriate PI methodology and metrics to measure the effectiveness of interventions. NewYork-Presbyterian nurses take pride in showcasing their PI work at many nursing professional organizational meetings and conferences at the local, national, and international levels. Support is also provided to assist nurses with writing for publication.


Research, Evidence-Based Practice & Innovation

A Commitment to Advancing the Field

Nurses’ active involvement in evidence-based practice (EBP) and research is critical to improving the care we provide to patients and furthering nursing science. At NewYork-Presbyterian, we champion nurses’ engagement in evidence-based practice and research. We have developed supportive processes and structures to facilitate nurses’ translation of evidence into practice and the generation of new knowledge through research.

We have partnered with Columbia University School of Nursing and affiliated nursing schools to advance a culture of inquiry among nurses. Each NewYork-Presbyterian campus has a dedicated PhD-prepared nurse scientist (jointly appointed by NewYork-Presbyterian and Columbia University School of Nursing), who provides one-on-one mentorship and didactic training to nurses in areas of clinical scholarship. Studies consistently find that knowledge gaps and a lack of mentorship impede nurses’ abilities to implement best practices and conduct research. We recognize these challenges, and our nurse scientists are here to lend the scientific expertise and mentorship you need.

We annually host a Research, EBP, and Innovation Symposium, which is a wonderful showcase and celebration of nursing research and EBP. We provide educational workshops on NewYork-Presbyterian's PEACE (Problem identification, Evidence review, Appraise evidence, Conduct research or Change practice, and Evaluation/dissemination of findings) Model, which is a model for evidence-based practice utilization developed for and by NewYork-Presbyterian nurses. PEACE delineates the steps of how to formulate and address a clinical question.

In collaboration with Columbia Nursing and affiliated nursing schools, we developed an Academic-Practice Research Fellowship Program for our nurses to gain formal guidance and mentorship in the conduct and dissemination of research.

We believe that nurses’ integration of evidence at the bedside and conduct of research form the foundation of improved patient care and optimal patient outcomes.


Nurse Residency Program


Training the Next Generation of Nurses

The NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital Nurse Residency Program is accredited with distinction as a Practice Transition Program by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation in Practice Transition Programs.

The Nurse Residency Program (NRP) is a one-year program designed to support new clinical nurses as they begin their transition to practice from a new graduate to a professional registered nurse. This is a mandatory program for all new graduate clinical nurses hired at NewYork-Presbyterian. The program consists of monthly educational sessions for each cohort to facilitate professional socialization and help build camaraderie. Nurse residents compose professional reflections, providing them the opportunity to gain insight and support from their peers through the sharing of experiences. The program focuses on leadership, patient outcomes, and the professional role of a nurse to empower nurse residents in becoming leaders at the bedside.


Nursing Practice & Patient Education

Creating Patient- & Family-Centered Care

Our nursing care delivery system, Patient- and Family-Centered Care, is built on the principles of dignity, respect, information and knowledge sharing, empowered participation and shared decision-making, collaboration and engagement, coordination of care, and professional nursing practice. Our professional governance and decision-making councils meet frequently to discuss goals, evidence-based practices, quality measures, safety, and more. Participation of our nurses in the development of professional practice standards is essential to shared governance and accountability-based practice. We believe in working collaboratively across hospital departments/clinical services in developing standards of care to provide cost-effective quality patient care. We support nurses in the development and review of evidence-based policies and procedures, patient/family education materials, and standards of care.


School Affiliations

Academic Partnerships across the Country

“Nursing is a practice-based profession, and, as such, I believe that clinical education is a vital component of the nursing student’s education.”
— Wilhelmina Manzano, MA, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, Senior Vice President, Chief Nursing Executive and Chief Operating Officer, Perioperative Services

New York-Presbyterian has academic partnerships with 50 schools of nursing throughout the United States to provide over 3,000 nursing student placements annually throughout our enterprise. Our nurses are expert role models for nursing students, and our nurse leaders ensure an optimal student learning experience at New York-Presbyterian. Whether pursuing a clinical or administrative degree (BSN, MSN, and doctorate), New York-Presbyterian provides students with an optimal learning environment, supported by expert mentors to ensure success.


Nursing Operations & Nursing Finance

A Powerful Operations Team

The Institute of Nursing Excellence and Innovation operations team ensures that nursing operational issues are uniformly addressed across the enterprise. In collaboration with campus leaders, the team oversees the overall management of Nursing Supplemental Staffing and Private Duty Nursing Services. An ongoing review of nursing care hours, staffing needs, and resource allocation across the enterprise is done in collaboration with the Director of Nursing Finance and each campus Chief Nursing Officer. Education of staff and charge nurse workshops related to budget issues are provided by Nursing Finance to support staff development.


Nursing Informatics

Advancing Information Science to Enhance Nursing Practice

The Nursing Informatics Team plays a pivotal role in the selection, design, testing, and integration of new and evolving technologies to enable optimal adoption. Beyond evaluation of end-to-end processes to streamline workflows, the team is laser-focused on centralization and standardization and minimizing gaps in care between technology and process at an enterprise level. The team utilizes their knowledge of project management, nursing, and information science to achieve efficiencies in nursing practice across clinical and administrative settings and align with policy changes. Nursing Informatics is strategically perched to optimize, transform, and elevate the future of the nursing practice.