Give Blood,
Save Lives

Every time you donate blood, you can save up to three lives. That’s three people who can go on living, working, and thriving because of you. Your ongoing blood donations help to ensure a steady supply of blood for New Yorkers in need.

Give Blood, Save Lives
Give Blood, Save Lives

Why Your Blood Matters

Every two seconds someone in the U.S. requires a blood transfusion. Donated blood is perishable and cannot be used after two months, which is why repeat donations are needed to maintain a steady supply. NewYork-Presbyterian supports donating blood as a powerful way we can each help others stay healthy. We encourage you to donate — as often as every 8 weeks — and spread the word to your friends and family. Your blood donations are a lifeline for your fellow New Yorkers in need.

Many different illnesses require blood as part of treatment. People with sickle cell disease may need up to 100 units of blood per year, while people being treated for cancer often need blood transfusions regularly.

A side benefit of donating blood is that you’ll receive a free mini-health assessment in the process. Before every donation, your vital signs are checked, which can highlight areas of your health that may need attention. You’ll also be screened for infectious diseases you may be unaware of and you’ll find out your blood type, too.

Only 3%

of the eligible U.S. population donates blood each year


people in the U.S. need blood every hour

31.5 million

people in the U.S. need blood every year

Who Can Give Blood?

Giving blood is safe for most people. As long as you are over 17 years old, weigh more than 120 pounds and are in good health, you can donate blood. Reasons why a person can’t give blood are often related to their medical and travel history.

Certain health conditions may mean you aren’t able to donate. These include heart disease, hepatitis, exposure to HIV, AIDS and cancer; some medications may also prevent you from giving blood. If you’ve traveled to parts of the world with malaria or bovine spongiform encephalopathy, you also may not qualify. If you have any questions about your eligibility, contact the New York Blood Center donor services at 1-800-688-0900.

What Else Should I Know?

Giving blood is a safe and sterile process. All materials used for the donation are sterile and used only once. Follow the advice from the donation center about preparing for the day to help prevent any discomfort in the donation process. On rare occasions, some people report feeling light-headed or dizzy but this is often only temporary.

How Should I Prepare For The Day?

Drink plenty of water the night before your appointment and enjoy some saltier foods. A good night’s sleep followed by a hearty and balanced breakfast will also help you prepare. Just before you donate, drink at least 16 oz of water and be prepared to answer questions on your health history and undergo your mini-health assessment. After you’ve donated, consider taking an iron supplement or multivitamin after the appointment to replenish the iron you lost from the donated blood.

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Be a Lifesaver – Donate Blood