Residencies & Fellowships

NewYork-Presbyterian Queens

Gastroenterology Fellowship


About the program

NewYork-Presbyterian Queens, a member of the NewYork-Presbyterian Healthcare System and a major affiliate of the Weill-Cornell Medical College, is a large urban teaching hospital with ACGME accredited Residency and Fellowship Training Programs. Queens, New York, is a growing, vibrant multicultural borough in the City of New York with a population of two million people. Over the last decade, NYP Queens has expanded its services to meet the growing needs of the community as one of the largest hospitals in Queens.

The Gastroenterology Fellowship Training Program is an essential component of the academic fabric of NYP Queens and the Department of Internal Medicine. The goals of the Fellowship Training Program are to:

  • Recruit outstanding, independent and skillful candidates who have successfully completed ACGME certified Internal Medicine Residency Programs;
  • Provide a three year systematic, structured, academically rigorous and stimulating environment in which Fellows can acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to become outstanding clinical gastroenterologists, teachers and researchers;
  • Instruct and train fellows in all aspects of modern gastroenterologic care and techniques;
  • Imbue fellows with professionalism, ethics and humanistic approaches to patients with gastrointestinal diseases as well as peers and colleagues;
  • Encourage scholarly and investigative approaches to solving problems by providing a talented, rich and diverse supervising faculty of academic and clinical gastroenterologists who directly supervise all inpatient and outpatient and consultations and procedures and conduct daily rounds. Supplementing independent study are interactions with attendings, fellows and residents from other associated services including surgery, radiology, medicine, pediatric gastroenterology, nutrition and pathology;
  • Fostering a culture of ongoing learning and scholarship with electronic access to the vast medical literature, evidenced based medicine and up to date textbooks which supplement and enhance didactic sessions and patient-based learning;
  • Integrate clinical research throughout the three-year fellowship and provide a structured research curriculum and research mentors to guide fellows through their research activities:
  • Create a structured program with sequential learning opportunities which enable fellows in their first year to learn basic gastroenterology, endoscopy and hepatology and become active in ongoing research projects; provide second year fellows with more responsibility and exposure to more advanced procedures and complex diseases as well as encourage more independence in research activities: and to facilitate the maturation of third year fellows by involving them in the teaching of junior fellows, medical residents and students as well as encouraging independent research projects, Protocol and IRB writing and submission and interaction with other services;
  • Provide a systematic, thorough, and stimulating series of weekly conferences including; GI Grand Rounds, Journal Club, GI Core Curriculum/Pathophysiology conference: and monthly Radiology Conference, Pathology Conference, and Research Conference.


Applicants with one of the following qualifications are eligible for appointment to the NewYork-Presbyterian Queens Gastroenterology Fellowship Training Program:

  • Graduates of medical schools in the United States and Canada accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME).
  • Graduates of colleges of osteopathic medicine in the United States accredited by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA).
  • Graduates of medical schools outside the United States and Canada who meet one of the following qualifications:
    • Have received a currently valid certificate from the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates prior to appointment, or,
    • Have a full and unrestricted license to practice medicine in a US licensing jurisdiction in which they are training.
  • Graduates of medical schools outside the United States who have completed a Fifth Pathway program provided by an LCME-accredited medical school.

Fellowship selection:

  • Eligible applicants are selected on the basis of residency program-related criteria such as their preparedness, ability, aptitude, academic credentials, communication skills, and personal qualities such as motivation and integrity. NYP Queens does not discriminate with regard to sex, race, age, religion, color, national origin, disability, or any other applicable legally protected status.
  • The NewYork-Presbyterian Queens Gastroenterology Fellowship Program participates in the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP).

Contact us

NewYork-Presbyterian Queens

Gastroenterology Fellowship Program Coordinator