Staff Biographies

Staff Biographies

Weill Cornell Medical Center

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Ingmar Ludwig

Rev. Ingmar Ludwig is the Manager of Spiritual Services and Chaplaincy at NYP/Weill Cornell and oversees NYP Lower Manhattan Hospital, NYP Gracie Square Hospital, NYP Westchester Behavioral Health and NYP Alexandra Cohen Hospital for Women and Newborns.

Ingmar Ludwig holds an M.Div. from Leipzig University in Germany and a MA in Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Care from Fordham University. Ingmar completed Clinical Pastoral Education Residency at NYP with clinical assignment at CUIMC. Rev. Ingmar Ludwig is a German Lutheran Christian, endorsed and ordained in the Federation of Christian Ministries. He is board certified by the Association of Professional Chaplains.

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Daniel Asibuoh-Sarpong

The Rev. Daniel Asibuoh-Sarpong is a Per Diem Chaplain at NYP/Weill Cornell. Rev. Asibuoh-Sarpong is a Board Certified Chaplain (BCC) and holds a Certificate of Ecclesiastical Endorsement from the United Methodist Endorsing Agency in the Division of Ordained Ministry of the Board of Higher Education and Ministry of the United Methodist Church (UMC).

Rev. Daniel holds a Master of Divinity from New York Theological Seminary and is certified by the Association of Professional Chaplains (APC). He has provided spiritual care and guidance to patients and families in several hospitals throughout New York City, Westchester County, and Connecticut area.

Rev. Daniel is the unit chaplain for our patients, families, and staff in the Hematology/Oncology, Tumor Oncology, and Bone Marrow Transplant units.


Sheikh Muhammad Ali

Sheikh Muhammad Ali is a Muslim and multi-faith Chaplain at NYP/Weill Cornell. He has multiple Masters’ degrees in Islamic Theology from Madrasah Alia, Dhaka, in International Relations from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, and in International Economics & Development from City College of New York /CUNY. He completed CPE Residency at NewYork- Presbyterian Hospital. He also serves on panels and gives presentations at international and local healthcare conferences. His research interests include Islamic ethics in healthcare, spirituality, and well-being. Ali speaks several languages including Bengali, Urdu, Hindi, and Arabic.

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Karen Berdecia

Karen Berdecia works in the dual role of Administrative Business Associate and CPE Registrar. Karen graduated from Hunter College with a Bachelor of Art in English Language Arts. She oversees the administrative functions of the department and maintains its efficiency. She also triages requests for spiritual and emotional care, to the chaplains. As the CPE Registrar, Karen processes CPE applications, manages the interview schedule, and collaborates with the CPE Educators.

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The Rev. Ansia Chahoy

The Reverend Ansia Chahoy is a Board-Certified Chaplain and member of the Clinical Pastoral Education team as an ACPE Certified Educator Candidate. Chaplain Chahoy has primarily covered Critical Care (MICU, NICU, CCU, CTICU), cardiology/cardiothoracic and palliative care units as a healthcare chaplain. Their clinical specialization is in mental health and trauma-informed chaplaincy, having served as a Veterans Affairs, university, and corrections chaplain. Chaplain Chahoy is a graduate of Wellesley College (BA) and Emory University (M.Div) and is a doctoral candidate in Mental Health Integrative Chaplaincy at Vanderbilt University.

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Brian Foote

Brian Foote is the Palliative Care Chaplain Fellow serving the inpatient and outpatient palliative care community at NYP/Weill Cornell. He holds a Master of Theological Studies degree from Harvard Divinity School. Prior to his work in chaplaincy Brian lectured for many years at Hunter College in the Program in Religion. He is a practitioner in the Vajrayana Buddhist tradition.

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Stephen Douglas

Stephen Douglas, MDiv, MFA is a Pediatric/OB chaplain at NYP/Weill Cornell. As a member of the Pediatric Advanced Care Team, he helps care for pediatric patients who are living with serious, chronic, or life-limiting illnesses, and helps run a variety of patient, family, staff and resident/faculty support groups, as well as bereavement programing.

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Paula Foreman-Shorter

Paula Foreman-Shorter is a Christian who serves as a multi-faith Chaplain at NYP/Weill Cornell. She completed her CPE residency at NYP Brooklyn Methodist Hospital. She holds a Master of Divinity & Urban Ministry from Alliance Theological Seminary. Paula is a Minister of Dance who is compassionate and focused on providing encouragement, support, & spiritual care to all.

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Levi Mastrangelo

Rabbi Levi Mastrangelo is the Rabbinic Chaplain and Coordinator of Spiritual Care at NYP/Weill Cornell. He holds a B.A. in Religion from Boston University, has smicha (rabbinic ordination) from Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School, and is a Board-Certified Chaplain with Neshama: Association of Jewish Chaplains. Rabbi Mastrangelo is the lead chaplain and subject matter expert providing guidance and support for programs addressing the needs of our Jewish patients, families, and staff. He tends to the spiritual needs of Jewish patients throughout the hospital and across the denominational spectrum, including in Hebrew.

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Jim O’Connell

Father James R. O’Connell, OFM is a Roman Catholic priest and a member of the Franciscan Order of the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe. He received his BA from Siena College and a MDiv from the Washington Theological Union. He also received an MA in Counseling from New York University. While serving as a chaplain at The Massachusetts General Hospital he studied Clinical Pastoral Education at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Father James has served as Pastor, University Chaplain and as a member of the former St. Vincent Medical Center in New York City.

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Benjamin Perlstein

Rabbi Benjamin Perlstein serves as a chaplain at NYP/Weill Cornell and Gracie Square Hospital, specializing in behavioral health and acute care. He facilitates weekly spirituality groups on inpatient psychiatric units on both campuses and serves on the interdisciplinary staff Peer Support Debrief Team at Gracie Square Hospital. Ben received rabbinical ordination from the Jewish Theological Seminary, where he also completed an M.A. in Jewish Thought, focused on mysticism and ethics. He graduated summa cum laude from Tufts University with a B.A. in Political Philosophy and has worked in a range of international contexts, especially involving Jewish history and the Holocaust.

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Alex Prado

Alex Prado (he/him) is the critical care chaplain at NYP/Weill Cornell. He earned his Master of Arts in Theology at St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Seminary in Yonkers, NY. He completed his undergraduate studies at Baruch College in the City University of New York.

A New York City native, Chaplain Alex is a bilingual Spanish speaker who serves as a multi-faith chaplain for our patients, families, and staff in the Cardiac, Cardiothoracic and Medical Intensive Care units.

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David Sterling

David Sterling is a Non-Denominational Christian who serves as a multi-faith chaplain at NYP/Weill Cornell and Gracie Square Hospital. He holds a Master of Divinity in Theology from Alliance Theological Seminary. Currently he works with ICU burn and psychiatric patients and is working toward his board certification (APC).

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Missy Trull

Missy Trull, MDiv, BCC is a Pediatric/OB Chaplain at NYP/Weill Cornell. She is a multi-faith chaplain whose spiritual community and practice is housed in the Episcopal Church. She received her MDiv at Seattle University and did her clinical training here at NYP/Weill Cornell and Westchester Behavioral Health Center. Before becoming a chaplain, Missy studied literature and poetry—stories and storytelling remain a central part of her spirituality, life, and chaplaincy.

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Jean Walsh

Rev. Jean Walsh (she/hers) is a board-certified chaplain (APC), with advanced certification in palliative care and hospice (PCHAC). She serves as a palliative care chaplain and holds a Master of Divinity degree from New York Theological Seminary. Before working in the healthcare setting, she lived in Latin America for ten years, where she worked in community development and human rights. Jean is fluent in Spanish and is an ordained minister of the United Church of Christ.