Mental Health Services

Military Family Wellness Center

Group Therapy

Depending on your temperament, group therapy can be an ideal treatment method to address your problems and make changes in your life. At the Military Family Wellness Center, we offer caregivers who suffer from depression interpersonal group therapy (IPT-G).

Similar to interpersonal psychotherapy, IPT-G focuses on your feelings and relationships. In a small group of five to ten people, we discuss the impact of our relationship with the service member in our family.

There are many advantages to group therapy. You have the opportunity to receive support from other people who, like you, are related to a military veteran or active service member and suffer from depression. In this group setting, you learn from each other, gain a sense of comradery, and ultimately, feel less alone.

Group therapy also creates an opportunity to interact with others in real time, which makes it possible for the therapist and other group members to provide you with valuable feedback. Our group therapy is six to fourteen 90-minute sessions.