Mental Health Services

Military Family Wellness Center

Couples Therapy

Marriage can be tough. Military service can make things even harder. The strain of extended separations due to deployment, shifting family dynamics, and raising young children takes its toll on many military relationships.

The Military Family Wellness Center offers emotionally focused therapy (EFT) for couples who need help in their relationships. EFT is a structured approach to couples therapy and has been proven effective through substantial research over the past three decades.

Based on attachment theory, EFT is based on clear, explicit conceptualizations of relational distress and relies on specific steps and strategies to help repair the relationship. EFT works by expanding and reorganizing emotional responses, creating a shift in partners’ positions, helping partners initiate new, healthier patterns, and fostering the creation of a secure bond. Your therapist will help you and your partner recognize your emotional experiences in context and communicate with each other regarding these feelings in a healthier, more constructive way.

Couples therapy is also available through our telehealth program.