Condition Basics
What is insomnia?
Insomnia is a common sleep problem that affects your daily life. It can cause you to have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. You may wake up during the night or wake up too early the next morning. These sleep problems may come and go, or they may be ongoing.
What causes it?
Insomnia is linked to many things. These include health problems, medicines, and stressful events. Your habits before bedtime may also affect how well you sleep.
What are the symptoms?
People with insomnia may have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or they may wake up too early and have trouble falling back to sleep. They may feel tired when they wake up. And they have trouble doing daily activities because they're not sleeping well.
How is it diagnosed?
Your doctor will ask about your sleep history, bedtime habits, and how your sleep problems are affecting your daily life. You may be asked to keep a sleep journal to record your sleep patterns. Your doctor will ask about any health problems you have and what medicines you take.
How is insomnia treated?
Treatment for insomnia includes behavior and lifestyle changes. Treatment may include cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I). You and your doctor can make a treatment plan that includes things you can try at home. Some people decide to take medicine for a while to help with sleep.