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What you do in the hours before you go to bed can rob you of sleep ... and your health.
For many of us, that thief is technology.
During the day, our smartphones, tablets, computers, and TVs may keep us connected and entertained ... but at night, they may also be keeping us awake.
Even when you know about the benefits of sleep ... and the bad effects of getting too little sleep ... it can still be hard to power down these devices ... and yourself ... for the night.
"I always feel behind.
What I can't get done at work during the day, I finish at night.
And there's always an email to return to my kids' teachers or bills to pay online."
"My roommates play computer games all night long. Like, every night.
I try to turn my computer off, but they're having so much fun.
I just end up joining them, and then I don't sleep much. I can't help it."
"When I can't sleep, I grab my smartphone and surf the 'net.
I know this isn't the best thing for me to do.
But I don't know what else to do to pass the time."
We all have barriers that keep us from powering down.
Maybe some of these sound familiar. Or maybe you have your own barriers.
Think about the things that keep you from turning off your tech devices at night.
How can you get around those things?
"To help me unwind, I started a new routine.
I realized that I could take those 45 minutes that I usually spend online ... and instead ... take a warm bath and stretch.
This new routine works so much better than surfing the 'net.
It really helps me to relax.
And before I know it, my alarm's going off ... and I'm ready to start the day."
"It hasn't been easy to stop checking my work emails ... but a good book has helped to keep that temptation away.
And if I worry about missing ... or forgetting ... something, I write the worry down, so I'm sure to get to it in the morning.
My evenings are more relaxing now, and I'm sleeping better too."
"I just decided to stop gaming late at night ... I was getting so wound up, I couldn't sleep ... and then I'd just be draggin' the next day.
When the guys asked me what was up, I told them I was really getting into music ... and wanted to make time for that.
And ever since I did, I feel good ... and I've discovered some great new bands."
It's not always easy to make a change.
But taking a few small steps can help you power down for a good night's sleep.
So ... how can you get past your barriers and get yourself some sleep?