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Integrating Videoconferencing into Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Practical Strategies with Case Examples. Kayser RR, Gershkovich M, Patel S, Simpson HB. Integrating Videoconferencing into Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Practical Strategies with Case Examples. Psychiatr Serv. July 2021.
Long-term Service Use Among Youths Previously Treated for Anxiety Disorder. Peris TS, Sugar CA, Rozenman MS, Walkup JT, Albano AM, Compton S, Sakolsky D, Ginsburg G, Keeton C, Kendall PC, McCracken JT, Piacentini J. Long-term Service Use Among Youths Previously Treated for Anxiety Disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. April 2021.
Technology and implementation science to forge the future of evidence-based psychotherapies: the PRIDE scale-up study. Wainberg ML, Gouveia ML, Stockton MA, Feliciano P, Suleman A, Mootz JJ, Mello M, Fiks Salem A, Greene MC, Bezuidenhout C, Ngwepe P, Lovero KL, Fortunato Dos Santos P, Schriger SH, Mandell DS, Mulumba R, Neves Anube A, Mabunda D, Mandlate F, Cournos F, Alves-Bradford JM, Nicholson T, Kann B, Fumo W, Duarte CS, de Jesus Mari J, Mello MF, Mocumbi AO, Oquendo MA, Weissman MM. Technology and implementation science to forge the future of evidence-based psychotherapies: the PRIDE scale-up study. Evid Based Ment Health. February 2021.
International consensus on a standard set of outcome measures for child and youth anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Krause KR, Chung S, Adewuya AO, Albano AM, Babins-Wagner R, Birkinshaw L, Brann P, Creswell C, Delaney K, Falissard B, Forrest CB, Hudson JL, Ishikawa SI, Khatwani M, Kieling C, Krause J, Malik K, Martínez V, Mughal F, Ollendick TH, Ong SH, Patton GC, Ravens-Sieberer U, Szatmari P, Thomas E, Walters L, Young B, Zhao Y, Wolpert M. International consensus on a standard set of outcome measures for child and youth anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Lancet Psychiatry. January 2021.
Predicting Treatment Outcomes from Internet-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Wheaton MG, Patel SR, Andersson E, Rück C, Simpson HB. Predicting Treatment Outcomes From Internet-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Behav Ther. January 2021.
Development and Open Trial of a Psychosocial Intervention for Young Children with Chronic Tics: The CBIT-JR Study. Bennett SM, Capriotti M, Bauer C, Chang S, Keller AE, Walkup J, Woods D, Piacentini J. Development and Open Trial of a Psychosocial Intervention for Young Children with Chronic Tics: The CBIT-JR Study. Behav Ther. July 2020.
The Endocannabinoid System: A New Treatment Target for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? Kayser RR, Snorrason I, Haney M, Lee FS, Simpson HB. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. June 2019.
Launching Anxious Young Adults: A specialized Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Transitional Aged Youth. Hoffman LJ, Guerry JD, Albano AM. Launching Anxious Young Adults: A Specialized Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention for Transitional Aged Youth. Curr Psychiatry Rep. Mar 27, 2018.
Dynamic Changes in Neural Circuitry During Adolescence are Associated with Persistent Attenuation of Fear Memories. Pattwell SS, Liston C, Deqiang J, Ninan I, Yang, RR, Witztum J, Murdock MH, Dincheva, Kevin BG, Casey BJ, Deisseroth K & Lee FS. Nature Communications. May 2016.
The Role of Response Inhibition in Medicated and Unmedicated Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Patients: Evidence from the Stop-Signal Task. Kalanthroff E, Teichert M, Wheaton MG, Kimeldorf MB, Linkovski O, Ahmari SE, Fyer AJ, Schneier FR, Anholt GE, Simpson HB. Depression and Anxiety. 2016.
Developmental Differences in Functioning in Youth with Social Phobia. Hoff AL, Kendall PC, Langley A, Ginsburg G, Keeton C, Compton S, Sherrill J, Walkup J, Birmaher B, Albano AM, Suveg C, Piacentini J. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. 2015.
Trajectories of Functioning into Emerging Adulthood Following Treatment for Adolescent Depression. Peters AT, Jacobs RH, Feldhaus C, Henry DB, Albano AM, Langenecker SA, Reinecke MA, Silva SG, Curry JF. Journal Adolescent Health. 2015.
Augmenting Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors in Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder: What Moderates Improvement? Wheaton MG, Rosenfield D, Foa EB, Simpson HB. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 2015.
Residential Treatment Outcomes for Adolescents with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Leonard RC, Franklin ME, Wetterneck CT, Riemann BC, Simpson HB, Kinnear K, Cahill SP, Lake PM. Psychotherapy Research. 2015.
Treating the Developing Versus Developed Brain: Translating Preclinical Mouse and Human Studies. Casey BJ, Glatt CE, Lee FS. Neuron. 2015.
Parental Anxiety as a Predictor of Medication and CBT Response for Anxious Youth. Gonzalez A, Peris TS, Vreeland A, Kiff CJ, Kendall PC, Compton SN, Albano AM, Birmaher B, Ginsburg GS, Keeton CP, March J, McCracken J, Rynn M, Sherrill J, Walkup JT, Piacentini J. Child Psychiatry Human Development. 2015.
Trajectories of Change in Youth Anxiety During Cognitive-Behavior Therapy. Peris TS, Compton SN, Kendall PC, Birmaher B, Sherrill J, March J, Gosch E, Ginsburg G, Rynn M, McCracken JT, Keeton CP, Sakolsky D, Suveg C, Aschenbrand S, Almirall D, Iyengar S, Walkup JT, Albano AM, Piacentini J. Journal of Consulting Clinical Psychologists. 2014.
Treatment of Separation, Generalized, and Social Anxiety Disorder in Youth. Mohatt, J., Bennett, S. M., & Walkup, J. T. American Journal of Psychiatry. 2014.
Adolescent Mental Health - Opportunity and Obligation. Lee FS, Heimer H, Giedd JN, Lein ES, Sestan N, Weinberger DR, Casey BJ. Science 2014.
The Child Anxiety Impact Scale: Examining Parent- and Child-Reported Impairment in Anxiety Disorders. Langley, AK, Falk, A, Peris, T, Wiley, JF, Kendall, PC, Ginsburg, G, Birmaher, B, March J, Albano, AM, & Piacentini, J. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. 2014
Parental Anxiety as a Predictor of Medication and CBT Response in Anxious Youth. Gonzalez, A, Peris, TS, Vreeland, A, Kiff, CJ, Kendall, PC, Compton, SN, Albano, AM, Birmaher, B, Ginsburg, GS, Keeton, CP, March, J, McCracken, J, Rynn, M, Sherrill, J, Walkup, JT, Piacentini, J. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 2014.
Common Polymorphisms in the Age of RDoC: Integration and Translation. Glatt CE, Lee FS. Biological Psychiatry. 2014.
Naturalistic Follow-Up of Youths Treated for Pediatric Anxiety Disorders. Ginsburg, GS, Becker, EM, Keeton, CP, Sakolsky, D., Piacentini, J, Albano, AM, Compton, SN, Iyengar, S, Sullivan, K, Caporino, N, Peris, T, Birmaher, B, Rynn, M, March, J, & Kendall, PC. JAMA Psychiatry. 2014.
Fear and Anxiety from Principle to Practice: Implications for When to Treat youth with Anxiety Disorders. Drysdale AT, Hartley CA, Pattwell SS, Ruberry EJ, Somerville LH. Compton SN, Lee FS, Casey BJ, Walkup JT. Biological Psychiatry 2014.
BDNF Modulates Contextual Fear Learning During Adolescence. Dincheva I, Pattwell SS, Tessarollo L, Bath KG, Lee FS. Developmental Neuroscience. 2014.
Anxiety Disorders in Youth: Assessment and Diagnosis. Bennett, S. M. In: UpToDate, Brent, D. & Hermann, R. (Eds), UptoDate, Waltham, MA. 2014.
Cleaning out the Anxiety: Phenomenology, Assessment and Treatment of Contamination OCD in a Youth Adult. In Lewin, A. & Storch E. (eds). Bennett, S. M. Clinical Handbook of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders: A Case-Based Approach to Treating Pediatric and Adult Populations. Springer International Publishing. 2014.
A Probabilistic and Individualized Approach for Predicting Treatment Gains: An Extension and Application to Anxiety Disordered Youth. Beidas RS, Lindhiem O, Brodman DM, Swan A, Carper M, Cummings C, Kendall PC, Albano AM, Rynn M, Piacentini J, McCracken J, Compton SN, March J, Walkup J, Ginsburg G, Keeton CP, Birmaher B, Sakolsky D, Sherrill. Journal of Behavioral Therapy. 2014.