Didactic Curriculum

NewYork-Presbyterian Queens emergency medicinedoctors demonstrate how to insert a chest tub in the simulations lab.

The goal of our residency program is to produce outstanding physicians who are capable of functioning at the highest level in all types of practices from community emergency departments to academic centers. This goal is achieved by providing an outstanding learning environment for our residents. Bedside teaching and a formal conference curriculum are an integral part of the resident experience. Our residents develop a superior fund of knowledge both by directly caring for our diverse patient population under the supervision of attending physicians and from our strong didactic program.

The integral part of our didactic program is a weekly 5-hour conference that is held every Wednesday from 9:00 AM to 2 PM. These conferences consist of interactive small group sessions on core EM topics, EKG interpretation, radiology, bedside ultrasound, journal club, departmental morbidity & mortality conference, resident-lead case presentations, grand rounds lectures, and oral board sessions. In addition to interactive small group sessions, residents participate in residency gamification challenges such as the Olympics. and various escape rooms.

On select Wednesdays, our residents attend regional conferences including NYACEP Resident Career Day, NYACEP Resident Research Forum, a New York-based EM Critical Care conference, and select conferences focused on subspecialties such as emergency ultrasound and international EM.

Foundations of Emergency Medicine: 

Our residency program currently uses the Foundations of Emergency Medicine course to provide a structured comprehensive small-group teaching format to learn EM core content. Readings from Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine along with cutting-edge online resources and journal articles are covered over a three-year curriculum. We provide multi-modal resources as preparation for Foundations sessions.

Core Content Curriculum: 

These lectures are based on the ABEM’s Model of the Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine. This curriculum is covered over three years.

EmCrit Lecture Series: 

Resuscitation and critical care are at the core of our practice in emergency medicine.  As emergency physicians, it is imperative that we are able to quickly recognize and manage the critically ill without over reliance on consulting services. This becomes challenging given our broad scope of practice. In an effort to enhance our learning throughout residency, we launched a novel EM Critical Care Curriculum. Our goal is to discuss critical care topics in emergency medicine with special focus on current literature, protocols and best practices. Lectures are followed by an appropriately related simulation session.



EM/Critical Care Grand Rounds: 

Esteemed guest lecturers are invited to present various topics covering current innovations in EM critical care.

Grand Rounds: 

Guest lecturers are invited to present on a variety of advanced and specialized EM topics. Recent lectures include Advances in Geriatric Trauma management and EM-based Palliative Care.

Trauma Joint Conference: 

Monthly conferences are hosted in conjunction with our Trauma Surgery colleagues to explore complex cases and emerging topics in trauma management.

Critical Care Joint Conference: 

Monthly sessions are organized with our Intensive Care colleagues to investigate common and rare critical care presentations and innovations in diagnosis and stabilization.

Simulation Lab/Procedural Sessions: 

The NewYork-Presbyterian Queens Simulation Lab utilizes a high fidelity system that allows residents to develop the necessary skills needed to manage emergent patients in the Emergency Department. During the course of the academic year, the lab serves as the setting for teaching both procedural and medical/surgical/pediatric resuscitation competency. On conference days, there are weekly simulation sessions with smaller groups to delve into emergency medicine cases that help to fortify the knowledge gained throughout the years focusing on pathophysiology through team leadership and communication. Throughout these sessions, the residents engage in hands on, interactive, multidisciplinary scenarios that focus on emergent medical management of various clinical cases. We also have additional sessions throughout the year to supplement clinical learning with hands on opportunities to perform and practice all types of procedures.




Bedside ultrasound is one of the strongest aspects of our residency program. Every month during conference the Division of Emergency Ultrasound provides hands-on workshops to teach basic and novel topics in Point-of-Care ultrasound. These interactive workshops along with two ultrasound rotations and frequent bedside scan sessions in the ED are the reason that our residents are so proficient in ultrasound by the end of the residency.

Departmental Morbidity & Mortality/Sickest Patient All Month (SPAM):

Many residents consider this the most interesting and important part of our didactic curriculum. This is a forum where a senior resident prepares and presents cases under the direct supervision of the departmental chair to emphasize how future care can be improved.

Journal Club: 

Journal Club is held monthly. We use an evidence-based approach and review articles on diagnosis and therapy, focusing on meta-analyses whenever possible. We choose landmark studies that have an applicability and impact on clinical care. We expect the residents to read and critically appraise the articles using worksheets that we provide.

Wellness Series: 

This lecture series is based on a structured wellness curriculum that is integrated into weekly didactics on a monthly basis. Our regular residency-sponsored wellness events supplement our wellness curriculum via WellVent sessions and promote cohesiveness of the resident community.

EKG Interpretation: 

These lectures occur regularly over the course of the academic year and cover a broad spectrum of topics from basic EKG interpretation to interesting and difficult EKGs. Training with the assistance of online resources provides access to lectures as well as links to various sites that assist the resident in developing effective and advanced EKG interpretation skills.

Radiology lectures: 

X-rays, CTs, MRIs are all covered during these lectures and are closely tied to case presentations, making each film interpretation interesting. Recently misinterpreted studies are an integral part of these sessions.

Evaluations and Exams: 

Residents track their procedures online ensuring compliance with RRC requirements. Attendings evaluate residents on a direct observation (individual patient encounters) and quarterly basis via the same online system.

Asynchronous Learning: 

Residents remain engaged in active learning outside of conference through our structured asynchronous learning program. This program utilizes a multitude of resources including Rosh Review, HippoEM, ALiEM, Peer XII & IX, and many other sources from the vast FOAM network.


The NewYork-Presbyterian Queens Department of Emergency Medicine offers four outstanding fellowships in Administration, Medical Education, Simulation, and Ultrasound." to "The NewYork-Presbyterian Queens Department of Emergency Medicine offers four outstanding fellowships in Healthcare Leadership and Management (HLM), Medical EducationSimulation, and Ultrasound.