Hemifacial spasm is a facial spasm disorder that is often caused by compressed blood vessels pressing against the facial nerve. This condition is characterized by unilateral facial spasms and can significantly lower a patient’s quality of life.


Though symptoms may vary in severity, the most common symptoms of hemifacial spasm are:

  • Uncontrollable contractions and twitching, often on one side of the face
  • Varying frequency, ranging from intermittent to non-stop

These symptoms are sometimes triggered or worsened by outside circumstances, such as anxiety, stress, or fatigue.


A neurologist may diagnose hemifacial spasms after a physical examination of the face. They may also take your medical history and details of your symptoms, characteristics, and timeline.

If you or a loved one believes they are experiencing any symptoms associated with hemifacial spasms, visit a doctor for an initial consultation. From here, you may be referred to a neurologist who can best diagnose and treat your pain.


Typically, over-the-counter medication will not alleviate spasms. In that case, a doctor may prescribe:

  • Anticonvulsant medications
  • Antidepressants
  • Botox injections
  • Surgery, if medication fails