A lot of people bottle-feed their babies. Sometimes it's a personal decision. Sometimes there's a medical reason, like HIV infection or certain cancer treatments. Many adoptive parents bottle-feed. You can bottle-feed using breast milk or formula.
Formula can provide all the calories and nutrients your baby needs in the first 6 months of life. Several types of formula are available. Most babies start with a cow's milk–based formula. Talk to your doctor before trying other types of formula, which include soy and lactose-free formulas.
Your newborn baby probably will want to eat every 2 to 3 hours. Don't worry about the exact timing for the first few weeks, but feed your baby whenever they are hungry. In general, your baby should not go longer than 4 hours without eating during the day for the first few months. Sit in a comfortable chair with your arms supported on pillows.
Does your baby need extra vitamins or minerals?
Doctors sometimes prescribe vitamin or iron drops for newborns. These drops help babies get the nutrition they need.
It's fairly common for a baby to need:
- Extra iron. Babies born early haven't had enough time to build up an iron supply before birth. So they usually get extra iron for the first few months after birth.
- Extra vitamin D. Breast milk does not have a lot of vitamin D. Many doctors prescribe vitamin D drops for babies who are breastfed. And formula-fed babies who might not be eating enough may also get vitamin D drops.
If you have questions, talk with your doctor about what is right for your baby.