NewYork Weill Cornell Medical Center Alumni Council

Weill Cornell Medical Center
Alumni Council

Annual Events

Partners of the Palate: Wine and Tapas Tasting

Two doctors in suits posing for a photo
a group of people sitting at a table with wine glasses

At this annual event, CAC members gather with their colleagues to sample fine wines while enjoying fresh tapas.

Center Alumni Council-Housestaff Quality Council Housestaff Welcome Reception

a couple of men in suits
a group of people in a room
Doctors talking to each other at an event

New housestaff are welcomed to the Medical Center at this CAC-HQC joint event.

Fall Lecture

Doctors in suits standing next to each other for a photo
a couple of men shaking hands

Distinguished speakers discuss their experiences in medicine, from providing care in a war zone to diversity and inclusion in the medical profession.

Annual Award Dinner

a man speaking at a podium
a group of men in suits
New members of the Medical Center Circle posing for a photo together

The CAC honors colleagues who have made notable achievements at the Medical Center or elsewhere. Also recognized are new members of the Medical Center Circle who have made a significant philanthropic commitment to the Medical Center.