Psychology Services
Because the mind and body work together so closely, NYPBMH psychologists focus on the entire person (mental and physical state), taking into account emotional, cognitive and behavioral issues. Family therapy, group therapy, traditional psychotherapy and follow up care are available within the Hospital and at a private office on the NYPBMH campus.
Psychologists are key members of the treatment team in each of the programs within the Institute for Neurosciences, and offer their services to all departments throughout the Hospital, and to neighboring nursing homes. The psychologists partner with neurologists to treat stroke, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and traumatic brain injuries, to name a few. These conditions have the potential to compromise a person's thinking and memory and can drastically change a person's mood and behavior.
We also have doctors who specialize in dyadic care which is a treatment for parents with children experience problems eating, sleeping and facing other early life issues.
Treatment for psychological issues can include psychodiagnostic assessment, traditional and contemporary state of the art psychotherapeutic techniques, group psychotherapies, psychoeducation, neuropsychological assessment, and cognitive rehabilitation services.