The NYP School-Based Health Center program provides comprehensive clinical services, including integrated primary medical, preventive, dental, and mental health care and a diverse array of health education and health promotion services. We operate seven school-based health centers serving more than 20 public schools in Harlem, Washington Heights/Inwood, and the Bronx (SBHCs). Services are available to all enrolled students regardless of insurance type and with no copay or cost to students’ families.
Practice Specialties / Children and Adolescents enrolled in specific schools (see Locations)
Medical/Health Services
- Physical exams
- Confidential reproductive health care, including contraception, pregnancy testing, and STD testing
- First aid
- Immunizations
- Management of chronic and acute illness
- Laboratory tests
- Nutrition counseling
- Dental care (at John F. Kennedy Campus)
Mental Health Services
- Individual, group, and family counseling
- Case management
- On-site psychiatric evaluation and management
- Crisis intervention
Health Education
- Classroom, group, and individual health education
- Parent and teacher workshops and presentations
- School-wide health promotion activities, workshops, and events
- Connecting students to community resources