Special Care Center

The Special Care Center is an outpatient medical center managed by The Dr. James J. Rahal, Jr. Division of Infectious Diseases and the NewYork-Presbyterian/Queens Division of Ambulatory Care. NewYork-Presbyterian/Queens is a New York State Department of Health Designated AIDS Center (DAC). According to the New York State Department of Health, "DACs are state-certified, hospital-based programs that serve as the hubs for a continuum of hospital and community-based care for persons with HIV infection and AIDS. The Centers provide state-of-the-art, multi-disciplinary inpatient and outpatient care coordinated through hospital-based case management." In addition to these comprehensive health services, the Infectious Diseases service sees patients and offers outpatient infectious diseases consultations to community physicians for a wide plethora of infective processes.

About Us

The Center's team is composed of a diverse and close-knit team of highly-skilled physicians, a nurse practitioner, registered nurses, a nutritionist, social workers, and a medical assistant who performs on-site phlebotomy to service our multicultural and diverse community.

Our staff value serving people regardless of race, culture, sexual orientation, creed or financial ability to pay; knowing that at the heart of every patient or illness is an individual. In addition to providing state-of-the-art medical therapy, we offer routine STI testing and treatment, psycho-social intervention and nutritional counseling.

The center is located just four blocks from NewYork-Presbyterian Queens and because of it's close proximity to the hospital and clusters of ambulatory care centers throughout the community, our patients have groundbreaking access to the New York Presbyterian's vast network covering Primary Care, Surgical, Dental, Ophthalmology, OB/ GYN, Orthopedics, Cardiology, Urology, Gastroenterology & Colo-rectal among many other sub-specialties. We currently care for around 700 patients and are actively accepting new referrals.

The medical director, Dr. James Yoon, has more than 17 years of experience in the treatment of HIV and other infectious diseases. In 2005, Dr. Yoon helped set up an HIV clinic in South-West China with Doctors Without Borders.

Contact us

NewYork-Presbyterian Queens

Hours of Operation

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Thursday: 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm