Day of Learning at New York Methodist Hospital

Apr 11, 2007

  April 11, 2007

Day of Learning at New York Methodist Hospital


Students from Acorn Community High School in Brooklyn recently visited New York Methodist Hospital to get a behind-the-scenes tour and learn about the various career options available in health care.

Over fifty tenth graders who participate in their school''s Advancement Via Individual Determination Program, interacted with the Hospital's medicine-dispensing robot in the pharmacy, learned the importance of blood donations in the laboratory, and were educated on professional opportunities in radiology and physical therapy. "It was an exciting day and it inspired me to think about my future and what I want to accomplish in my life," said one student. "Our time at New York Methodist Hospital opened up my mind about new job opportunities I never thought of before," said another.

Along with touring the Hospital, the students enjoyed a lecture on the importance of healthy nutrition for young adults. "My students walked in to the Hospital knowing that you can be a doctor or a nurse and left knowing about many other health care fields like physical therapy, pharmacy, radiology and nutrition," said Aviva Baff, Acorn Community High School teacher. "I think the effectiveness of the tour can be summed up by one of my students, who half-way through each department tour, turned to me and said, "I think this is really what I want to do."

New York Methodist Hospital offers a variety of educational programs to elementary, secondary and adult education schools in the community. The NYM SchoolTours Program consists of tours to specific areas or units of the Hospital. The SchoolTalks Program offers workshops, demonstrations or lecture discussions, which can be given at the Hospital or at the school. Topics include careers in health, the risks of smoking and second hand smoke and helping children stay fit, among others. For more information, please call the Department of Public Affairs at 718.780.5367.