Safety & Security

NewYork-Presbyterian Westchester is staffed by professionals whose primary concern is to safeguard and improve your health. As a patient, you can help us do our best by asking questions and by knowing what your physician has prescribed. If you have a suggestion that will help us improve patient safety, please call ext. 2222.


Patients are asked not to bring items of value to the hospital. NewYork-Presbyterian Westchester cannot be responsible for replacement of personal belongings. Contact lenses, eyeglasses, hearing aids, and dentures should be stored in your bedside stand when not in use. Please don’t put them on your bed, in the tissue box or food tray—they may be damaged or lost.

The hospital does not accept responsibility for items of value unless they are deposited in the safe in the Registration Office. If you lose something, please notify your nurse right away and we will make every effort to help you find it. Unclaimed articles are turned in to the Safety and Security Office where they are held for ten (10) days. To inquire about lost articles, please call the Safety and Security Office at 914-787-3325.

Hand Washing

The simple act of hand washing can help prevent the spread of infection, especially when you are in the hospital. Don’t be afraid to ask anyone who comes into contact with you if they have washed their hand – including family and friends.

Fire Safety

For your protection, the hospital conducts fire and disaster drills regularly. If a drill occurs while you are here, please remain in your room and do not become alarmed. The hospital is a fire-resistant building and the staff is trained in fire protection.

Take charge of your care.

During your stay, the doctors, nurses and staff of your hospital will treat you and your family as partners in your own care. One important way that you can be involved is to speak up. Ask questions, voice your concerns, and don’t be afraid to raise any issues relating not only to your care and treatment, but also to overall hospital services.

Speak Up

Ask questions and voice concerns. It’s your body and you have a right to know.

Pay Attention

Make sure you’re getting the right treatments and medicines.

Education Yourself

Learn about the medical tests you get and your treatment plan.

Find an Advocate

Pick a trusted family member or friend to be your advocate.

What Meds & Why

Know what medicines you take and why you take them.

Check Before You Go

Use a hospital, clinic, surgery center or other type of health care organization that meets the Joint Commission’s quality standards.

Participate in Your Care

You are the center of the health care team.

Courtesy of The Joint Commission.

Stat Note

Write down any questions you have.

Choose a family member to communicate with the doctors and staff.

Keep a list of doctors you see and the medications they prescribe