Anxiety is a feeling of fear or concern that something bad may happen. It can cause things like headaches, sweating, or a feeling that you just can't relax. Everyone feels anxious from time to time. But if anxiety interferes with your daily activities, talk with your doctor. You may need treatment with medicines (such as antidepressants or antianxiety medicines) and/or professional counseling.
Negative thoughts
When you have anxiety, negative thoughts can increase your worry or fear. Changing negative thought patterns may not be easy. But our minds can be trained to be stronger and healthier—just like a muscle. A technique called thought reframing can help.
Thought reframing is the process of replacing negative thoughts with more helpful thoughts. It's a skill taught in a type of counseling called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). There are also books and apps that can help you learn thought reframing on your own.
With practice, you can get better at choosing healthier thoughts to replace negative thoughts.