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Video Transcript
An ileostomy is a surgery that allows waste to leave your body through an opening in your belly and collect in a special pouch.
It's done when the lower part of your digestive system ... the colon ... isn't working normally because it's damaged or diseased.
An ileostomy may be temporary ... For example, it may be reversed after a few months ... Or in some cases, it may be permanent ... It depends on why you're having it.
After the surgery, most people go on to lead normal, active lives.
Before the surgery, be sure to follow instructions about when to stop eating and drinking.
You'll get laxatives to help empty out your intestines.
Tell your doctor about any medicines you take.
You may need to stop taking certain medicines before the surgery.
During the procedure, the surgeon will make a small hole in your belly.
Your small intestine ... which is healthy ... will then be connected to this opening in the skin ... called the stoma.
This allows waste ... or stool ... to leave your body through the stoma.
The stool will collect in an odor-proof pouch that attaches to your skin around the stoma.
After the surgery, you may have some belly pain, and the area around the stoma may be tender and sore.
You'll get medicine to help ease the pain.
Your care team will give you instructions for how to take care of yourself at home.
They'll talk with you about things like your diet ... wound care ... getting back to your normal routine ... and going to follow-up visits.
A nurse will show you how to care for your stoma and the pouch.
You'll learn how much stool is healthy ... and what foods can help you control the amount of stool.
Your doctor will let you know if ... and when ... it's okay to start taking your medicines again ... And you'll get instructions for any new medicines.
You may stay in the hospital for several days.
When it's time to go home, you'll need someone to drive you.
You'll probably need to take time off from work for at least 6 weeks ... depending on your job.
Now ... you may have concerns about what life will be like after the surgery.
It may help to know that the pouch is odor-proof and doesn't show under your clothes ... so no one will know you have one unless you choose to tell them.
After you recover, you'll probably be able to get back to things you did before ... like physical activity, sex, or other things you enjoy.
If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to ask your doctor or someone on your care team.
Having surgery can be a little stressful.
But knowing what to expect and how to prepare can help.