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[Woman] "I knew I needed to exercise more, eat better, lose some weight ... but I always figured, 'I'm still young ... I don't need to worry yet.' Then my brother had a heart attack.
We're a lot alike ... Same habits, same family history, same health risks ... and he's only two years older.
I realized maybe I'm not so young anymore ... and I was kinda scared.
So I decided to get serious.
I got rid of all the sodas and junk food, and I started walking every day after work ... and I lost a little weight.
But then things kept coming up that I needed to do after work ... or I'd just feel tired and not want to go.
And I started sneaking to the snack machine at work and buying candy bars ... so the weight came right back on.
The day I actually weighed more than when I started ... well, that's when I just quit trying.
Then my brother called and asked how it was going.
He'd been through cardiac rehab by then, and he had totally changed his ways.
He was almost back to what he weighed in high school.
He said for him, being in a rehab group had made a huge difference.
We're both very social people, so he thought maybe that's what I needed ... some support.
A few days after that, I was passing through the lobby at work, and I saw a little sign.
Somebody was starting a walking group.
Well, the next day I brought my walking shoes to work.
Usually three or four people show up, and we walk about half an hour at lunchtime.
We talk and laugh, so it's fun and the time goes fast ... and knowing they expect me to be there helps keep me motivated.
Plus, my brother calls every week to check on me.
Kind of funny that he's the one who had the heart attack, and now he's my health coach.
I still have a long way to go ... but I'm moving more, eating better, and feeling better.
And it was having support that really got me headed in a healthier direction.
I found out there are lots of people trying to take better care of themselves ... so I don't have to go it alone.
And if you look around or ask around, maybe you'll find out that you don't either."