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Video Transcript
People who smoke are always hearing how bad smoking is ... They get hit over the head with it all the time. It's not very motivating.
Anyway, most of the bad stuff about smoking doesn't happen for a long time ... so why worry about it?
But what if you knew that quitting could make a difference today ... almost as soon as you quit? Well, it can!
The clock starts when you put out your last cigarette ... After just 20 minutes, your blood pressure and heart rate go down ... so there's less stress on your heart and blood vessels.
Within 12 hours after your last cigarette, the level of carbon monoxide in your blood drops back to normal ... and that makes room for more oxygen.
After 2 weeks, your lungs start working better ... and your risk of heart attack starts to drop.
After 1 month, you'll cough less and breathe deeper ... so it's easier to be active.
Your sense of taste and smell will return ... so you'll be able to enjoy food more than you have since you started smoking.
Plus, after a month you'll smell better, as your clothes, car, and home get aired out.
You'll look better too ... because your teeth will be whiter.
After 1 year, your risk of heart disease will be half what it would be if you kept smoking.
After 5 years, your risk of stroke starts to shrink ... and within a few years after that, it will be about the same as if you'd never smoked.
After 10 years, your risk of dying from lung cancer is cut by about half ... and your risk for many other types of cancer will be lower too.
Quitting has real health benefits that start now ... and the longer you stay smoke-free, the more the benefits will increase.
Maybe you think you've been smoking for so long that quitting won't make any difference ... but in fact, it's never too late to quit.
The clock is ticking ... What are you waiting for?