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Video Transcript
As a parent, you want to keep your child healthy and safe.
One of the most important ways you can do this is to get your child immunized.
Immunizations ... or vaccines ... are your child's best defense against disease.
And vaccines aren't just good for your child.
They help keep everyone in your family and community from getting sick too.
Before vaccines, people, including kids, would get really sick ... and even die ..
from diseases like polio and measles.
Vaccines changed all that.
It's easy to forget how bad these diseases can be, since we don't see kids getting sick or dying from them every day.
But these diseases still exist, so it's still very important to get your child immunized.
Vaccines work by alerting the body's defenses, or immune system.
They get the body ready to fight the disease if your child is exposed to it later on.
Your child will need to get ... what may seem like ... a lot of vaccines early in life.
Some of these vaccines are only given once, while others are given in a few doses over time.
Following the vaccine schedule is really important to make sure your child is fully protected.
So talk with your doctor about which vaccines your child will need and when.
Now, some parents have concerns about the safety of vaccines.
False claims in the news have led some parents to believe that vaccines lead to autism.
But study after study has shown there is no link between vaccines and autism.
Some parents also worry about their child getting lots of different vaccines at the same time.
But these combination vaccines are as safe and effective as giving one vaccine at a time.
Plus, it means fewer needle sticks for your child.
Vaccines are very safe and have very few risks.
Remember, the real risk is if your child doesn't get vaccinated.
So do your part to protect your child.
Get your child immunized.
Then follow the vaccine schedule.
You'll be doing everything you can to keep your child healthy and safe.
And you'll feel good knowing that you're also protecting your family and your community.