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Fluid buildup in the middle ear
slide 1 of 4, Fluid buildup in the middle ear,
A cold or some other upper respiratory infection can cause the eustachian tubes to swell, blocking the normal drainage from the middle ear. The fluid buildup can lower your or your child's ability to hear. And the warm, moist environment makes it easy for bacteria and viruses to grow, causing an ear infection.

Incision made in the eardrum
slide 2 of 4, Incision made in the eardrum,
A small cut (incision) is made in the eardrum to allow fluid to drain.

Fluid drains through the incision
slide 3 of 4, Fluid drains through the incision,
Fluid from the middle ear drains through the incision into the ear canal and is suctioned out by the doctor.

Ear tube placed
slide 4 of 4, Ear tube placed,
The temporary tube is placed into the eardrum incision to prevent fluid from building up again.