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Video Transcript
Your heart failure action plan helps you see how your symptoms change from day to day.
And it lets you know how well you're doing.
And that can tell you when to call your doctor or get emergency help.
Your plan might use heart failure zones—green, yellow, and red—to help you check your symptoms and know what to do.
When you're in the green zone, you're doing well.
Your weight isn't changing, and you can breathe easily.
But if your symptoms change—increased shortness of breath or quick weight gain, for instance—that puts you in the yellow zone. You need to call your doctor.
You are in the red zone when you have emergency symptoms— like severe trouble breathing or pink, foamy mucus.
If you have any emergency symptoms, you need to get help right away.
Now, having the plan and knowing what to check is one thing.
Doing it every day is another. Maybe it's hard to fit check-ins into your day.
Or maybe you just don't want to think about having heart failure all the time.
So what if, instead, you think of it as your plan for wellness?
And that checking in is how you can stay well and feel your best?
Thinking of your action plan as a wellness plan is just one idea to try.
Maybe you'll have a better idea of what will help you.
And then think of a way you can make a check-in just a quick part of your morning routine.
You could do a check-in when you first get up and weigh yourself.
Or maybe when you put your shoes on, you could also check your ankles for swelling.
How could you make this so easy that it's just like brushing your teeth?
Since you know what works for you, you'll have the best ideas for you.
So what's your next step? Where will you go from here?
What is that one thing you can do to make check-ins regular parts of your day?