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Video Transcript
Right before a big date, the first day of school, or a job interview... you look in the mirror and there it is, right on your face in full view. [scary music] A pimple. [pop] Or two. Maybe more. UGH.
Blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples... that's acne, for you.
Although it can happen almost any time, it's most common during the teen years.
Yeah, just when you need something else to worry about.
Acne happens when bacteria, oil, and dead skin cells clog your pores.
It's just the normal way your body may react when your hormones change.
Your doctor may suggest or prescribe lotions or gels that can help clear things up.
Or he or she may also recommend trying medicines that you take as pills.
Sometimes you might have to try different things to find out what will work for you.
But here are three things you can try at home: One, gently wash your face once or twice a day with warm water and a mild soap.
Be sure to rinse well.
Two, try applying over-the-counter acne cream or gel to the places on your skin where you have acne, and the places where you think it's about to "pop up."
Speaking of popping up, number three is important.
Don't squeeze, pick, or pop pimples or blackheads.
You could get an infection or create a scar.
One last thing.
Give yourself a break.
Acne comes and goes.
Yours will too.