CHALK (Choosing Healthy and Active Lifestyles for Kids) is a portfolio of programs that support children, families, and their neighborhoods. We aim to prevent chronic illness by connecting communities to safe and joyful public spaces to play and move, nutritious food, jobs and secure employment, and supportive relationships with community-based organizations.
What ties CHALK’s programs together is our approach: We collaborate with non-profit organizations, emergency food providers, early childhood centers, NYP healthcare teams, and other partners across NYC and Westchester County. We co-design each program, leveraging our combined strengths to respond to community needs. Our priority neighborhoods are Washington Heights/Inwood, Lower East Side, Chinatown, Crown Heights, Corona, Mount Vernon, and Peekskill, which were identified through NYP’s Community Health Needs Assessment.
To learn more about the link between nutrition, environment, community building, and health, visit the Dalio Center for Health Justice.