Events & Support Groups
Public Events and Seminars
The CADC hosts events and seminars for patients and the general public. Event offerings change periodically - please visit again or join our email list for updates.
Pediatric IBD Transition to College Night
Going from high school to college can be a big change. Hear from college representatives, patients, the NYP care team, and others on how to manage your IBD when transitioning to college life. Learn about:
- Keeping up with your IBD care
- Handling dorm life
- Educational and living accommodations
- Eating well while at college
- Scholarships
- Stress management
- Talking to others about your IBD
- And much more!
This event is designed for high school age patients with IBD and their parents or guardians. The event will include separate breakout sessions geared toward both patients and parents. A light meal will be provided.
Date: Wednesday January 23rd, 2019 (**Inclement weather date: Wednesday, March 6th**)
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Location: Belfer Research Building - 413 E. 69th Street, 3rd floor conference center, rooms 302A-D
RSVP: There is no cost to attend this event but an RSVP is requested. To RSVP, please call or email Ashley at 646-962-3869 or and indicate the individuals attending the session.
Patient Support Groups
The Center for Advanced Digestive Care offers multiple support groups and educational sessions geared toward patients and, in some cases, their families and caregivers. Registration requirements and who may attend vary for each group - please direct questions to the appropriate person listed for each group below.
Colorectal Cancer Support Group
Date: First Monday of each month
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Location: 1305 York Avenue (at E. 70th Street), 2nd Floor, Room C
RSVP Requested: Yes. Please contact Lauren Shaffer, LCSW at (preferred) or 212 746-5671 to RSVP.
This monthly support group for patients with colon and rectal cancer is led by Lauren Shaffer, LCSW. The group is offered to all diagnosed with colon or rectal cancers. Events are free to attend, but RSVP is requested.
Adult IBD Support Group
Date: Held on the last Monday of each month
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Location: 1315 York Avenue (at E. 70th Street), mezzanine level - the Jill Roberts Center for IBD
RSVP: Please RSVP to Jill Roberts (
This free support group welcomes patients living with Crohn's or ulcerative colitis. The group is facilitated by Miranda Rose Gold, LCSW-R, and Ellen J. Klausner, PhD.
Liver Transplant Educational Workshops
Date: First and third Thursdays of each month
Time: Times vary, please consult workshop listing
Location: 525 E 68th Street, Greenberg Pavilion, 2nd floor, 2-North Solarium
Who May Attend: Liver transplant workshops are open to patients preparing for liver transplants at NewYork-Presbyterian hospital, and attendance is required before one's procedure. No RSVP is necessary. Please contact Samantha Bennahum, LCSW for any questions: 646-962-5337. View current workshop topic listing.
Post-Liver Transplant Support Group
Date: Second Thursday of each month
Time: 11 am - 12 pm
Location: 1305 York Avenue, 2nd floor conference room
Who May Attend: This support group is geared towards those who have received a liver transplant. All liver transplant recipients are welcome. To RSVP or for more information, please contact the liver transplant social workers, Samantha Bennahum, LCSW, and Sofia Rivkin-Haas, LMSW, at 646-962-5337. View support group flyer for more information.
Pre/Post Liver Transplant Caregiver Support Group
Date: Quarterly, second Thursday of the month (January, April, July, October)
Time: 11 am - 12 pm
Location: 1305 York Avenue, 2nd floor conference room
Who May Attend: This support group is geared towards those caregivers for those who will receive or have received a liver transplant. All are welcome. To RSVP or for more information, please contact the liver transplant social workers, Samantha Bennahum, LCSW, and Sofia Rivkin-Haas, LMSW, at 646-962-5337. View support group flyer for more information.
Ostomy Support Group
Date: Second Thursday of the month (Until December)
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Location: Center for Community Health, NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital, 515 6th Street, G202 Brooklyn, New York 11215
Who May Attend: The group is open to anyone with and/or considering Urostomy, Colostomy, Ileostomy, and those who may need an ostomy. For more information and to register:
Weight Loss Surgery Support Group
Weight loss surgery support group meetings are held at multiple dates and times each month. Registration is not required. Patients, those considering surgery, family members and support persons (ages 18 and over) are welcome at these meetings, which are moderated by healthcare professionals.
See full listing of weight loss surgery support group meetings and learn more. Please contact Liz Goldenberg with any questions concerning this group.