Go Green

NewYork-Presbyterian Queens

Go Green


Our recycling program

NewYork-Presbyterian Queens has partnered with Stericycle to greatly improve our waste recycling programs. Click on the links below for more information and tips on recycling at NewYork-Presbyterian Queens.

Recycling data

Regulated Medical Waste (RMW) accounts for less than 5% of all waste.

NewYork-Presbyterian Queens now recycles over 17% of all waste.

NewYork-Presbyterian Queens now diverts over 21% of its waste from traditional municipal waste streams.

See recycling data charts below.

Leading environmental stewardship organizations such as Practice Greenhealth target 15% recycling rates in hospitals and RMW rates below 10% as a first-tier benchmark. for recycling. NYP Queens currently exceeds both of these measures.

The NewYork-Presbyterian Queens Sustainability Council continues to explore opportunities for additional recycling.


An organic waste decomposition system was installed in the hospital's kitchen to help reduce the amount of food waste generated by our hospital. The decomposition system can process up to 1,200 lbs. of organic material per day, using microorganisms to digest the waste. Since the system's installation in December 2011, it currently processes about 400 lbs. per day. This represents 4% of our total waste stream. This waste is now decomposed on-site and no longer goes into the open container. By reducing quantities of waste in the open container, NYP Queens saves money and reduces truck traffic by reducing the number of times our carter must come to exchange the open containers.

NYP Queens waste stream charts

2012 waste stream data for NYP Queens
21% of total waste diverted from MSW

Additional info about recycling at NYP Queens