
Small pouches that bulge outward from the colon are called "diverticula" and are common in most older people. When they become inflamed or infected, such diverticulosis becomes diverticulitis. At NewYork-Presbyterian Queens, we understand how the pain and bowel problems caused by diverticulitis can interfere with your quality of life. We offer nonsurgical and surgical care for diverticulitis, ranging from dietary guidance to colorectal surgery to relieve your symptoms. Our goal is not only to help you get better, but to feel better, too.

Surgery for Diverticulitis

If we are unable to treat your diverticulitis with dietary changes, we may recommend oral or intravenous antibiotics, a liquid diet, bed rest, and medications to stop muscle spasms in your colon. If your diverticulitis becomes severe and repeated attacks affect your function and quality of life, we may perform surgery. Our surgeons use minimally invasive laparoscopy to treat diverticulitis, operating through small incisions that result in less pain after surgery and a faster recovery.

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NewYork-Presbyterian Queens

Digestive Diseases