STEP 1 - CHECK: Tap the victims shoulders to see if the victim is breathing. If you don't see any breathing or movement it is serious.

STEP 2 - CALL: Call 911 immediately.

STEP 3 - Compress: Interlock your fingers use the heel of your palm to press down in the center of the chest at a rate of 2 compressions per second.

“As a cardiologist, I have been frustrated learning of athletes dying on the playing field unnecessarily and resuscitating people brought in to our ER with no brain viability – because people do not know what to do and it’s so simple. We have to change this.”
Attending Cardiologist at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital
Director of Education and Outreach for The Ronald O. Perelman Heart Institute
HandsOnly CPR triples the chance of survial
Effective Hands Only CPR needs to be performed at a rate of 100/120 beats per minute.
Below is a curated playlist of 100/120 BPM songs.
It's Sexy To Save A Life - Cast Of Chicago
The cast of Chicago demonstrates Hands Only CPR
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